CONSUMERS (parties viewing classified ads) PLEASE SEE TERMS OF USE
SUBSCRIBER: Defined as a person, business or entity publishing a classified ad within GRAVESALES.COM’s website, for the purpose of selling cemetery property and/or other goods and/or services, including but not limited to: cemetery plots, graves, mausoleum crypts, vaults, cremation niches or any other space within a cemetery intended for the use of interment of human remains, opening and closing, cremation and/or funeral services, headstones or any other land, merchandise or services related to the cemetery, funeral or cremation industry.
a) All fees collected for subscriptions on GRAVESALES.COM, will be in the form of U.S. dollars.
b) The term time-frame for ad subscriptions will be date-to-date; For example: a monthly ad placed on June 21st, 2015 will renew on July 21st, 2015 and then again on August 21st , 2015 and so on, until cancelled, per the “Terms of Service.”; a six-month ad placed on February 2nd , 2016 will renew on August 2nd 2016 and then again on February 2nd , 2017, and so on, until cancelled, per this “Terms of Service.” The same principle applies to twelve-month ads. In instances where the ad is placed on the 29th, 30th or 31st , it will be treated as if it had been started on the st of the following month.
c) It is the sole responsibility of the subscriber placing the classified ad to verify correctness of the ad before placement and payment of the ad. If subscriber finds errors in his/her ad, subscriber may edit the ad by login-in and changing the ad. No discounts, credits or refunds will be made for ads because of subscriber errors.
d) It is the sole responsibility of the Subscriber to cancel the ad subscription before the end of its term to avoid future subscription charges, which will be charged to the credit card on file that is associated with the subscriber’s account/ad that was entered when placing the ad subscription or edited later, after originally placing and paying for the ad.
e) Cancellation of a classified ad by unsubscribing is immediate. The ad will then be deleted from our database at the end of the paid subscription term, after which time it will no longer be viewable on GRAVESALES.COM’s website.
1. GRAVESALES.COM reserves the right to resubmit for payment to subscribers’ payment method on file for any ad subscription which was denied payment. Any fees associated with this act will be the responsibility of the Subscriber.
1. All classified ad subscriptions must be cancelled using GRAVESALES.COM’s website via logging into a user’s account and cancelling the ad. The login button is accessible from the homepage of GRAVESALES.COM and can be found in the upper right corner of the homepage.
a) All information required to login to an account will be sent via email to Subscriber, publication and payment of the ad subscription.
b) Login information retrieval is available via GRAVESALES.COM for subscribers who may have lost, forgotten or otherwise misplaced their login information.
1. The initial subscription and/or the renewal of a subscription is obtained via our SECURE SERVER, using AUTHORIZE.NET as our payment gateway provider, for secure and safe e-commerce transactions.
2. RENEWAL of ad subscriptions shall be applied automatically to ALL ads not cancelled at least 24-hours before the billing cycle or the expiration of subscription term (see the above “TERMS AD SERVICE.”)
By definition, ads that were previously either “cancelled” or “unsubscribed” then “reactivated” or “reinitiated” by the subscriber through logging in and selecting the option to “reactivate” or “reinitiate,” or by the subscriber emailing GRAVESALES.COM requesting either “reactivation” or “re-initiation” of their ad.
Any and all “reactivated” or “reinitiated” ad shall be considered active and will immediately be submitted for monthly subscription payment on the same credit card that is on the subscriber’s account.
Shall be one-Gregorian calendar month (Example: an ad placed on the 1st of the month will expire on the 1st of the following month. If a longer-term subscription has been purchased, the ad will expire on the same date, either six or twelve months from that date, depending on which subscription is selected. “List Until Sold” subscriptions will only expire at the request of the subscriber.)
Following the initial subscription term, whether discounted or not, that same subscription term will be charged, at the same, non-discounted rate, to the credit card on file that is associated with the subscriber’s account/ad, and shall apply until such time that the classified ad and account has been cancelled.
FORMAT EXAMPLE: Description of Property, Name of Cemetery or Memorial Park, Name or Number of Property Section/Area Located In, Property Lot/Block Number, Grave/Niche/Crypt Number, Cemetery’s Selling Price, Subscriber’s Selling Price, Person to Pay Transfer Fee.
AD EXAMPLE: Two side-by-side burial plots in Rose Hill Cemetery, Garden of Remembrance, Block 66, Lot A, Spaces 1 & 2. Cemetery Price: $5,300 each. Asking $2,950 each or $4,950 for both. Seller will pay transfer fee.