Chapel Hill Cemetery in Centennial, Colorado
Photo Gallery
Chapel Hill Cemetery in Centennial, Colorado
Country | United States |
Cemetery Address | 6601 S Colorado Blvd. |
Cemetery City | Centennial |
Cemetery State or Province | Colorado |
Cemetery Zip Code | 80121 |
Number of Spaces | 4 |
We have four burial plots for sale at Olinger Chapel Hill Cemetery in Centennial. They are located in the beautiful Garden of Devotion. The cemetery sells them for $6000 each currently. We are offering them at a single price of $3000 each, two for $5000, or all four for $10,000. There is a transfer fee of $595 to be paid by the buyer directly to the cemetery. They will waive the transfer fee if the buyer makes arrangements through them.
- 6601 S Colorado Blvd. Centennial Colorado 80121
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